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Stephens College of Business

Whether you’re looking to seamlessly transition into the world of business or capture the entrepreneurial spirit and start your own company, UM’s Michael E. Stephens College of Business is the spark you need to start blazing your trail. We offer the BBA degree with majors in Accounting, Data Analytics, Finance, Management and Marketing. Additionally, minors in Accounting, Business, Cybersecurity, Data Analytics, Economics, Management Information Systems, Marketing, Nonprofit Studies, and Sports Business are available. Through a rigorous professional development process in the Grainger Center for Professional Development our undergraduate students have a staggeringly high job-placement rate.  Our leadership driven MBA program creates opportunities for professionals in any industry looking to take a seat at the big table. It also doesn’t hurt that our students typically graduate with roughly half the student loan debt of most other business school students at public universities. Only one question remains: how high do you want to climb?

Why UM for Business?

In order to stay competitive with other prominent business schools, UM is committed to providing the most beneficial resources for its students.

  • Accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business.
  • Average class size of 21 students.
  • Center for Professional Practice offers career preparation services, internship opportunities, networking and even tips on what to wear for interviews.
  • Close proximity to Birmingham provides numerous opportunities for internships and job placement.


AccountingData AnalyticsFinanceManagementMarketing


AccountingBusinessData AnalyticsCybersecurityEconomicsManagement Information SystemsMarketingNonprofit StudiesSports Business

Graduate Program

Master of Business Administration